We develop AI systemsto solve your
business challenges
business challenges
Sviluppiamo sistemi
di AI per risolvere le tue sfide aziendali individuali
A ten-year experience in technological transfer of University’s theoretical research permits us to create highly optimised industrial products and make them customizable for every single request.
A ten-year experience in technological transfer of University’s theoretical research permits us to create highly optimised industrial products and make them customizable for every single request.
Our AIin continuous evolution
CAVE: 4 actions to extract value from multimedia data of every size and for every need.
Improvement of dark or blurry images. Removal of unnecessary noise from voice recordings and voice sorting by interlocutor. Stabilization and improvement of shaky videos.
- Image improvement
- Noise removal
- Video stabilization
Identify and defend yourself against deepfakes. Certify your content to make it more reliable. Rebuild content history.
- Deepfake recognition
- Certify your content
- Recover your history
- Verify your sources
Browse your multimedia content through a custom search engine. Easily extract value from data and use it constructively to improve your business.
- Browse your contents
- Extract data
- Catalogue your data
- Easy consult
- Image improvement
- Noise removal
- Video stabilization
- Textual description
- Geolocalization
- Subject identification
- Deepfake recognition
- Certify your content
- Recover your history
- Verify your sources
- Browse your contents
- Extract data
- Catalogue your data
- Easy consult
Improvement of dark or blurry images. Removal of unnecessary noise from voice recordings and voice sorting by interlocutor. Stabilization and improvement of shaky videos.
Textual description of events from images, video or audio. Geolocation from images or video. Identification and comparison of subjects from video footage.
- Image improvement
- Noise removal
- Video stabilization
- Textual description
- Geolocalization
- Subject identification
Identify and defend yourself against deepfakes. Certify your content to make it more reliable. Rebuild content history.
Browse your multimedia content through a custom search engine. Easily extract value from data and use it constructively to improve your business.
- Deepfake recognition
- Certify your content
- Recover your history
- Verify your sources
- Browse your contents
- Extract data
- Catalogue your data
- Easy consult
Digital Forensics
Multimedia Analytics
Company Infos
Head Office: Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125, Catania
CF/P.IVA: IT05387380875
Certified Email: ictlab@gxpec.it
CCIAA Catania subscription n. 362840
RI Catania subscription n. IT05387380875
REA number: 362840
Share Capital € 10500.00 i.v.
Quality Policy
Quality Management Certificate | ISO 9001:2015
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Copyright © ICTLAB srl – Spinoff dell’Università di Catania Cookies Policy and Privacy Policy