The AI to explore and find insights in big databases
Have you ever thought about how much data is in your devices?
Hai mai pensato aquanti dati hai suoituoi dispositivi?
My little data is, for example, photos and videos taken with our smartphones.
<10 GB amount of media data
Every photo on our smartphone, not only our photos, but every photo sent or received from our contacts.
<100 GB amount of media data
Backups, data from older devices, cloud platforms data.
<100 - 200 GB amount of media data
Backups, data from older devices, cloud platforms data.
500 - 1K GB amount of media data
Data from every smartphone and PC, with their relative backups.
<10 TB amount of media data
Every extra large data of every device other than PCs and smartphones like tablets, hard disks, cloud storage… Everything!
> 10 TB amount of media data
Big Data = Value
BIG DATA is also USELESS DATA if I don’t know how to find what I need. Only in our smartphone are stored thousands of photos and hundreds of videos. If we put all of our data from all of our old devices in one place, it would increase dramatically. To find something they should be efficiently organized: a days long work for a human but much shorter for an AI.
iCTLab’s Multimedia Analytics uses advanced AI tools for helping you finding insights in huge databases simply asking simple questions.
iCTLab’s Multimedia Analytics uses advanced AI tools for helping you finding insights in huge databases simply asking simple questions.
Simple as Asking
Camden Town, London
English phone booth
London Eye, London
Southwark Bridge, London
Tower Bridge, London
WhatsApp contact
WhatsApp contact
Tower Bridge, London
London Eye, London
Camden Town, London
English phone booth
Camden Town, London
English phone booth
Try all thepotential of Explore
Our products
Digital Forensics
Multimedia Analytics
Company Infos
Head Office: Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125, Catania
CF/P.IVA: IT05387380875
Certified Email: ictlab@gxpec.it
CCIAA Catania subscription n. 362840
RI Catania subscription n. IT05387380875
REA number: 362840
Share Capital € 10500.00 i.v.
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